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Your Support Makes a Difference!

The Carpinteria Valley Museum of History is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. We raise our operating revenue through membership support, donations, fund-raising activities, grants, and investments. Without admission fees, the museum is truly accessible to all. Your generosity makes our educational and exhibition programs possible and is the key to our continued success.

All gifts to the Museum are important. There are many ways in which a gift can be made, most with income tax savings. For more information on making a gift to the Museum, please call the office at (805) 684-3112 or make a tax-deductible online gift today. 

Gifts through your IRA

If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a tax-free distribution from your traditional or Roth IRA. You can donate up to $100,000 each year without incurring income tax on your withdrawal. Contact your IRA account administrator to direct a distribution to the Carpinteria Valley Historical Society. Please consider remembering the museum in your estate plan. The Museum's tax identification number is 95-6137506.


Giving online is easy, secure, and green!

We accept all major credit cards. Ways to give:

  • Fill out form at right and pay online

  • Mail a check to the museum


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